Tap into Joyride for Cold Brew Coffee on tap

What's all this buzz about office coffee on tap?!

Experiencing some serious FOMO because your office doesn't have a cold brew kegerator? Do you yearn for better office coffee, but constantly get disappointed by the sub-par swill offered in your workplace pantry? It's time to rattle some cages and demand a cold brew keg in your office!

Fortunately, Joyride is here to help you stay ahead of the curve and upgrade your workplace coffee situation, no matter where you are, to rival some of the country's most innovative cafes.

At Joyride, we have the power to transform your office coffee selection from a drab, sludge-like brew,  to drinks that are as fruit-forward, exciting, creative and unique as you are! Our kegerators provide offices with cold brew coffee, tea, and kombucha, all on tap, with the ease of use and a level of sustainability that simply can't be achieved with bottles. We carry four standard kegerator models, which can be leased or purchased to fill your office’s specific needs.


In addition to providing offices with coffee from all of your favorite roasters, we also offer a wide selection of Craft on Draft products, available to any Joyride customer! Check out our unbeatable selection of kegged products to become an instant office hero!


If your office is lucky enough to have one of our extremely user-friendly kegerators, check out some of our pro tips and tricks so you never find yourself in a bind! 

  • Learn how to swap a keg: You didn't learn how to switch a keg in college? Not to worry! We've got your back. Check out our handy video tutorial and you'll be a pro in no time.

  • The gas tank matters: In order for your nitro-keg to produce the Guinness-like cascading effect, your keg must be connected to a nitrogen tank. If it's connected to beer gas, your cold brew will spoil very quickly.

  • Know when a keg is kicked: If nothing is flowing out of the faucet, try lifting the keg. A full keg is about 50lbs and an empty keg is 10lbs. Nothing like a quick lift session during work, right?

  • Keep it chill: Since your cold brew should be nothing short of the perfect quality, make sure the keg temperature is set to 5 C or or 41 F. After all, no one wants their cold brew frozen, or even worse, room temperature!

  • Understand & teach the language of tap handles: Ever notice plastic cups hanging on taps at bars? This is a sign that the keg is kicked. This universal sign will not only decrease the number of depressed faces circling the kegerator, but will also keep your nitrogen tank full for longer!

  • “Let it go”-Frozen: Have your liquid lines frozen on you? Not to worry, this is a quick fix! Your liquid lines may be pressed up against the cooling plate in the back of the kegerator! You can also unfreeze them yourself by holding onto the lines until they warm up enough for liquid to flow. Always double check that the temperature hasn't been dropped by a colleague!

  • Sign, Sealed, Delivered: If your kegerator appears to be leaking, not to worry! It isn’t actually leaking, all this puddle means is that the seal around the door has been moved out of place and prevents the door from shutting, creating condensation to accumulate and spill out. Adjust any obstruction to ensure the kegerator door is in its proper place. 

  • Color Coding: Don’t let your lines get mixed up! For all of our kegerators, the red lines designate the gas line and the liquid lines are clear.

  • Stay Fresh: The shelf life for our products varies. You can expect your Kombucha to stay fresh for 6 months, while our cold brew products have a life expectancy of up to 90 days after brewing. Contact your local salesperson for more details!