Coffee Charts

Stumptown Releases by Chart


We received our August, 2012 Stumptown new release samples today! But before we present them with our thoughts, I thought I might do something of a retrospective on Stumptown releases for as long as I have data: 7 releases between March 2011 thru August 2012. Note that the charts exclude Grand Cru and Decaf:


Origin Breakdown of Stumptown Releases

Africans by Country and Number

Africans by Country and Number

Latins by Country and Number

Latins by Country and Number



Release pricing over time is interesting, especially when compared to the spot price of Arabica coffee as traded on the NYMEX. As you can see below, the direction of prices per pound are opposites, with Stumptown increasing gradually from March 2011 thru August 2012 and the spot price of coffee falling over that same period. The opposite price trends highlight what Third Wave Coffee is all about, the decommoditization of the coffee. Stumptown Coffee is not just coffee as the price increases in a period of coffee prices declines demonstrates. We'll that's all for now.

Spot Coffee Prices ($/100lbs) 03.2012-08.2012

Spot Coffee Prices ($/100lbs) 03.2012-08.2012