Jerry Seinfeld's Magical Powers, or Why I Like to Drink Coffee

I recently watched an episode in the web series "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," a show that was started by Jerry Seinfeld.


The segment I listened to was just NPR's interview with Seinfeld, but the actual show was derived from his desire to start a show that isn't really about anything, and it also sprouted from his new coffee habit.

Seinfeld started drinking coffee only recently because before, he didn't quite understand why people were so obsessed with the drink. To be honest, I was in the same boat as him. I thought coffee was just a bitter drink that made groggy people slightly more functional in the mornings.

However, Seinfeld brought up that coffee is actually quite magnificent. Meeting someone for coffee as a social interaction is compact and affordable. The series follows a similar format. Each episode is pretty short and can be a quick laugh as a break during your day, and it can be quite insightful. I highly recommend watching it.

Joyride Coffee, OST Café

Joyride Coffee, OST Café

Coffee is also a helper. It gets you going in the morning, and keeps you awake throughout the day when you need that extra push. And everybody could use a little help sometimes.
