Joyride News

Team Profile: David Belanich

David Belanich - Portrait on Food Truck

David Belanich - Portrait on Food Truck

A Francophile and the oldest of three brothers, David takes on the world of haute café, sans problème.


Great Neck, NY, but my soul is from Paris, France.

Alma Mater/Degree:

Middlebury College, BA in Political Science.

Yale University, MA in Political Science.

What is your earliest coffee memory?

During one summer in high school, I lived with a French family in Paris while studying the language.  My host-mother used to make me these large, strong pour-over coffees every morning, which kept me wired all day.  I think my love of Paris and love of coffee coalesced that summer.

How and why did you get into the coffee business?

After launching the Joyride Truck, which served frozen yogurt and Stumptown coffee on the streets of Manhattan, we came up with the idea of bringing the same awesome coffee to the workplace.  Office coffee generally sucks, but there's no reason why it has to. Since then, we've developed relationships with other great roasters, and the rest is history.

How is working with your brothers?

We've always been a close-knit family, so working with my brothers came naturally to me. Our father and uncle were business partners, so we had always known about a successful brother-business model in our minds.  Plus, it's a real privilege to be able to see your brothers almost every day.  Sure, we fight, but having that bond makes for a much less stressful work environment.

Do you work uniquely with tech start-ups? If so, why?

The short answer is no; we have customers in advertising, publishing, production, finance, in addition to tech.

Our customers do, however, have much in common: they tend to be firms at the cutting edge of what they do with a real emphasis on employee satisfaction.

Where do you see the coffee industry being in a few years?

The coffee's only getting better, and the number of talented people who are dedicating themselves to artisanal direct-trade coffee is only increasing.  So you can expect better and more.

What are some goals for your company, short-term and long-term?

That's a tough question to answer.  In the short-term, I want to continue to solidify our position as the premium office coffee service in New York City.

Pet Peeves?

Careless errors, mistakes that are made out of laziness.


Intellectually, everything.  Physically, great food and drink (coffee included of course), skiing, traveling, and all things French.

Best Feature?

My wife Tesalia and my boxer dogs, Otto & Lola.

Bad Habits?

I steal other peoples' pens in the office.  Then fly into a rage whenever anyone takes one of mine.

Favorite Movie?

The Rock.  "Carla was the prom queen."

Favorite Musicians?

Johnny Cash and Mozart.

Favorite Cup of Coffee?

Ethiopia Yirgacheffes.  They're in season right now, and I'm in heaven.

Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?

Depending on my mood and the situation, either Bourbon on the rocks or an extra dry Tanquaray Martini straight-up with a twist in a rock-glass. (I hate Martini glasses.)

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage?

Other than coffee?  Orange juice or Grapefruit juice.

Team Profile: Kristen Lee


Kristen was born and raised in beautiful California and doesn't understand why she ever left to go to school at Amherst College, where she studies Art History and French. She enjoys golf, eating food, taking pictures of food, cooking food, singing, painting, hanging out with friends, and maintaining her food blog (shameless plug: Her favorite food is Korean, and she often goes by the name of Kleeball.


Kristen Lee, Joyride Coffee


Los Altos, CA.

Alma Mater/Degree:

Amherst College, 2014. Art & the History of Art, French.

What's your first coffee-related memory?

I remember walking to the nearest Starbucks by myself and feeling really old, when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I think I ordered a Tazo Wildberry Tea – not a coffee, unfortunately.

How did you find Joyride Coffee? Why did you decide to work here? Are/were you a coffee drinker?

I had worked at an investment company and a PR company, and I wanted to try something different this summer. Having grown up in Silicon Valley, I wanted to try my luck at a start-up. I also wanted to be in New York, so I looked up "Top Start-Ups in NYC" and came across Joyride. It was also perfect because I wanted to learn more about the food and beverage industry.

Are you the type to sit down at a café and slowly sip a cup of coffee or do you usually grab n go?

I love just sitting and people watching at cafés. I think it's the perfect setting for a good conversation with a good friend or two.

Do you consider coffee a trendy drink?

I used to only drink coffee purely as a strong source of caffeine, but I'm slowly learning all of the nuanced tastes that come with different cups of coffee, and the differences between a good cup and a bad cup. It's just as delicate as wine is, and the wider public, including myself, seem to be learning that. With that in mind, good coffee is becoming a much more interesting and trendy product.

Pet Peeves?

Rude people. Entitlement. Dirty surroundings.


Golf. Painting. Singing. Music. Food. Photography. Blogging. People.

Best Feature?

My general love for people.

Bad Habits?

I'm sensitive in every way.

Ideal Date?

Good dinner, good conversation, good bar for drinks, karaoke in K-Town.

Celebrity Crush?

Celebrity Crush(es): John Krasinski, Darren Criss, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Favorite Color?

Shades of blue and bright pink.

Favorite Movie?

Finding Neverland. Pan's Labyrinth. The Great Gatsby. Inglourious Basterds.

Favorite Music?

Pretty eclectic mix.

Favorite Book?

Harry...Potter...among others – The Alchemist. Just too many. I feel bad for asking everybody else these questions because they are impossible to answer without over-analyzing what the choices will say about you.

Favorite Cup of Coffee?

Turkish or Vietnamese Coffee.

Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?

Red wine. Mojitos. Mango Beer from Delirium Café in Brussels.

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage?

Tiger Spice Chai from Coupa Café, tea and coffee – le duh.

Team Profile: Anna Quincy


Anna, our wonderful Business Development Intern, is from sunny Melbourne, Florida, where she spent her days going to Disney World, watching shuttle launches, and bothering her parents. After realizing the sun exposure would lead to premature aging, she decided to go to Barnard College, where she currently studies economics and history. She is on the Columbia sailing team where she constantly pushes the limits of hypothermia and spends the rest of her time avoiding the winter. Fifty percent of her daily nutrition comes from popcorn, and her favorite coffee is the Stumptown’s Ethiopian single origin.


Anna Quincy Joyride Coffee


Cocoa Beach, FL.

Alma Mater/Degree:

Barnard, 2015. Economics.

What's your first coffee-related memory?

My parents are both avid coffee drinkers, and they always had a cup with breakfast.

How did you find Joyride Coffee? Why did you decide to work here? Are/were you a coffee drinker?

I wanted to do an internship at a small business, so I googled "NYC start-ups" and found Joyride. I thought the concept was great. I've also been an adamant coffee drinker since high school, so Joyride is a perfect fit.

Are you the type to sit down at a café and slowly sip a cup of coffee or do you usually grab n go?

I generally love hanging out in cafés, and during the school year, I usually do work there. (Shout out to the Joe's on Columbia's campus.)

Do you consider coffee a trendy drink?

Any ol' cup of coffee isn't really that special, but artisanal coffee from places like Stumptown can be pretty trendy.

Pet Peeves?

Not having gum. To say I have an addiction would be an understatement.


Sailing, tennis, and watching movie trailers. (They're the best part of the movie.)

Best Feature?

There are simply too many to possibly choose one.

Bad Habits?

I am really messy. No matter how hard I try, the clutter seems to follow me wherever I go.

Celebrity Crush?

James Franco.

Favorite Color?


Favorite Movie?

Good Will Hunting.

Favorite Music?

Depends on the day.

Favorite Book?

Lolita. Is that creepy?

Favorite Cup of Coffee?

Cold Brew.

Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?

G&T's forever.

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage?

Obviously coffee.

Triple C Action: Counter Culture Office Coffee



We are proud to add a new roaster to our all-star lineup of office coffees: Counter Culture Coffees! Counter Culture delivers directly from the farmers to give coffee lovers handcrafted goodness and "the most delicious and exciting coffees in the world." It also happens to be one of the "Big 3" Third Wave Coffee Roasters along with Stumptown and Intelligentsia. It's basically a huge deal. :)

By agreement with Counter Culture, we can only offer these great beans in five-pound bags, unground.

Espresso Toscano: Sweet dark-chocolate and buttery caramel



Honduras Finca El Puente: Called in 2005 the “Purple Princess”  this coffee has an astounding cup of lavander, grape and plum



And Number 46: a European-style blend and crowd pleaser



Counter Culture office coffee is also awesome because of their coffee education program called Counter Intelligence (the name is a little Counter intuitive - ha!). They have training centers in NYC, North Carolina, Atlanta, and D.C. to educate those who are interested in how to craft the tastiest coffee!! And considering over 54% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every morning, it wouldn't hurt to know how to make it well.



So there's Counter Culture office coffee for you and hopefully it ends up on your counter!

What do you call a cow who's just given birth?


-Kristen Lee

Coffee and Canines Event - Hot Dog!

Caffeine and Canines (10 of 12)

Caffeine and Canines (10 of 12)

We brewed some coffee in the Wework Lab space with Queens Tech Meetup bud, Audrey, founder of Waggit .

Waggit is a community that makes having a dog a bit easier, by swamping dog sitting, or sharing a dog walker.  We are a dog-friendly office with Ike, Lola and Otto keeping the dog-to-person ratio at a pleasant 1:1.  With our love for dogs, we were happy to help out another Queens tech bud out!  Evermore, a company that makes organic dog-food in a USDA certified kitchen, were also there, serving up food to the pups that swung by as well as our own Ike (who found it quite tasty).

We dished some chemexs of Stumptown's Ethiopia Mordecofe, Blue Bottle's Bella Donovan and the Dallis Brasil Fazenda Sertao Yellow Bourbon to the denizens of the WeWork Lab space and dog lovers alike.

I have some photos from the event, but you will have to forgive my shaky camera work.