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Cold Brew's a'Growin' Up; Ristretto: Kickstand Concentrate

Cold Brew's market evolution has been fast and furious. In his Ristretto column on July 27th, Oliver Strand turns his attention once again to this summer's darling, cold brew iced coffee.  In an article/post entitled, Kickstand Concentrate,

Strand uses Kickstand's peddling cold brew concentrate delivery service as his launching pad to cover the broader, and broadening, cold brew market. Cold Brew has been this summer's it product, not only because it tastes so good, but also because it is evolving so quickly. We've witnessed rapid innovation in how cold brew is served and sold: glass concentrate bottles, on tap, in stubbies, and by growler.

Stumptown Coffee Cold Brew Growlers

At Joyride Coffee Distributors, we've embraced these innovations and have started to cold brew Stumptown House Blend and deliver our brew in 1/2 gallon amber growlers . Our 64oz growlers are available premixed ($9.75) and in concentrate ($19.50), which are prices more than 50% lower than Kickstand (sans $4.00 delivery charge) and more than 30% lower than New York's other cold brew growler providers.

We've done more than merely adopt recent innovations, however; we've made our own unique contribution to cold brew's market evolution. This summer, Joyride brought cold brew where its never gone before: the New York office.We introduced our cold brew iced coffee growler service to New York offices in late June. Since then, we've been cold brewing non-stop! Our third-wave office coffee customers took right to our delicious product; they love the brew and get a kick out of our handsome growlers.

Coffee's renaissance is upon us. At Joyride it is our mission to carry the third-wave revolution beyond ground floor, into the office. With our cold brew growler office coffee service, we hope to be doing just that.

Learn more about our office iced coffee service here and more about our brew, via our growler stickers, here

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