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Joyride Presents: Stumptown Office Coffee 2012 African Showdown

Say goodbye to the Duromina! Spring has brought with it new Stumptown office coffee offerings.

Stumptown Coffee African Coffee

We received five new coffees, including a Gran Cru and a blend. We are really excited for the Couer d'Afrique; Stumptown's new African blend made of beans from Rwanda and Burundi. They have really made an accessible African for people who want to try the bolder side of coffee. Here are our notes from our cupping below.  When looking at the images below, be sure to look closely at the size of the beans.  If you click on the image you should be able to see them pretty well. Africa is known as the birthplace of coffee and what you are seeing there is coffee as-it-was so to speak.  The small and irregularly sized beans (with a high concentration of pea-berries) is iconic of the heirloom varietals that make up most African coffees.  The Kenyan is an anomaly in that respect. Its beans come from strains made by the Scott Laboratories company in the 1930s.  These beans were bred for a large size and they make a great cup (at a high price).

Kenya Ngunguru (Direct Trade)

Stumptown Coffee Kenya Nunguru Direct Trade

Altitude: 1700-1850m Varietals: SL28 and SL34 Appearance: Large, broad beans; well washed. Medium-light coloration. Bouquet: Dried Fruits: strawberries and raisins. Taste: Velvety mouth feel encompasses flavors of sweetened rhubarb, ripe citrus, honey, and cocoa nibs. Note: Although the Nunguru would make a great Stumptown office coffee, for most of our customers, it is simply too expensive. At $24.60/12oz, the coffee is highly recommended for a high-end consumer.

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adado (Organic)

Stumptown Coffee Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adado Organic

Altitude:2000-2400m Varietals:Ethiopian Heirloom Appearance: Wide variety in size and color of dark and tiny to medium sized with lighter slightly reddish coloration. Beans of an irregular shape, including numerous pea-berries. Bouquet: Roses and new spring-growth. Taste: Cola, peach tea and cane sugar with notes of honey and ginger.

Rwanda Huye Mountain (Direct Trade)

Stumptown Coffee Rwanda Huye Mountain Direct Trade

Altitude: 1500-1800m Varietals: Bourobn Appearance: Broad, flat beans on the lighter side with pronounced mucilage. Bouquet: Complicated nose of black pepper and baking spices. Taste: Note of raspberry, marzipan and chocolate overlaying firm notes of caramel and dark chocolate.

Burundi Kinyovu (Direct Trade)

Stumptown Coffee Burundi Kinyovu Direct Trade

Altitude: 1700-1900 Varietals: Bourbon, Jackson and SL Appearance: Small-to-medium plump beans; cleanly hand washed. Bouquet: Rich tropical fruit bouquet. Taste: Grapefruit, Pineapple and apricot balance bitter-sweet molasses in a hard candy flavor.

Coeur d’Afrique (Direct Trade)

Stumptown Coffee Couer d'Afrique Direct Trade

Altitude: 1500-1900m Varietals: Bourobn, Mibrizi, Jacskon and SL Appearance: Wide variety of sizes and colors can be found in this blend, with some peaberries. Bouquet: Violet dominates notes of ripe blackberry. Taste: Mediterranean tastes of date, black olive and fig with balancing notes of dark chocolate and huckleberry.

Conclusion: We're happy to choose the  Ehiopia Yirgacheffe Adadao (Organic)  as our new Stumptown offering from their African single-origin line.  The flavors are bright and balanced and the rose bouquet is to die for.  We also couldn't pass up the Couer d'Afrique (Direct Trade), which offers a phenomenal and unique pallet.  We have also been experimenting with the Cd'A as our Office Cold Brew.  For more information on these coffees go to: Stumptown Coffee's African Offerings Page.

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